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Parent Organization

The AIS Parent Organization (PO) is a key part of our vibrant, international school community. The extensive range of PO committees, groups, clubs and events ensure that all AIS families have a sense of belonging and activities to join in. 
Throughout the year the PO promotes community through activities ranging from flagship events, like Worldfest, to smaller projects, programs and meet ups. 

Every AIS parent and guardian is automatically a member of the PO. You will be welcomed by the PO, have many opportunities to meet other parents and are encouraged to participate however you can. The PO enhances our school, by building community and by offering resources, and cultural support.  

How to get Involved

All our clubs, committees and groups are open to all AIS families - we want everyone to be involved! View below what is on offer - and don't forget to follow the PO on Instagram at @aisparentorganization

Clockwise from top left:

Rachel Sheehan - PO President - popresident@aischool.org

Nina McCormack - PO Treasurer  - potreasurer@aischool.org

Julie Schoen - PO Marketing Liaison - pomarketing@aischool.org

Paola Morlet - PO President-Elect - popresidentelect@aischool.org

Amigos Hispanic Culture Club

Amigos' mission is to enhance and celebrate our Hispanic and Latinx cultural diversity by promoting educational, social, and cultural events. Membership and attendance are open to the entire AIS community. You do not have to speak Spanish to participate - all are welcome!
Amigos is full of exciting activities and opportunities all year long such as a children's fair (La Feria), lunch outings, cultural outings, student activities, cooking classes, book club, book fair, parent parties (Noche Latina), and more! Join in order to receive more information and invitations! 

Asian Culture Club (ACC)

Asian Culture Club's (ACC) mission is to enhance and celebrate our Asian cultural diversity by promoting educational, social and cultural events.

From the Dragon Boat Festival in May through to the Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese New Year celebrations, Vaisakhi and Diwali, the ACC hosts numerous colorful events throughout the year. These are punctuated by activities ranging from yoga to cookery and Tai-Chi classes. 

Ensemble French Culture Club

Ensemble is a multicultural parent association representing all French speaking cultures of AIS. All parents are invited to join, native and non-native speakers from all school levels.  Ensemble organizes events for both children and parents.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a fluent French speaker or a complete beginner, all Francophiles will enjoy the numerous events hosted by Ensemble aimed at promoting the French Culture within the AIS community. From welcoming new families to supporting long established French traditions at AIS, Ensemble events focus on services, activities, and cultural events for children and their parents.

Two women serving French crepes!

Deutsch Connection German Culture Club

The Deutsch Connection Culture Club supports the German language program at AIS. Furthermore, we support and organize social events at AIS in order to promote German culture and language as well as to support cultural exchanges with other communities at AIS.

Throughout the year the Deutsch connection hosts numerous events from coffee mornings and cookery classes to the Art Posse and, most recently, live guided tours through German cities. The highlight has to be the annual Weihnachtsmarkt with live festive music, arts and crafts, homemade glühwein and delicious holiday fare. 

Harambee Culture Club for the Black and/or African-American, African or Caribbean Population At AIS

Harambee assists AIS in fulfilling its mission by increasing awareness and sensitivity among the AIS community to the unique perspectives, experiences and issues of those who view themselves as members of the Black and/or, African-American, African or Caribbean population. Harambee extends this conceptualization to include those who do not identify as such, yet offer their support. We are committed to the fundamental AIS values of respect, diversity, effort and joy of learning.

Harambee hosts numerous activities throughout the school year. The much anticipated signature event takes place in February and can be guaranteed to add color, life and fun to even the dullest winter day.

PO Committees

In addition to Culture Clubs, there are the following PO committees;
Ambassador Committee, Arts Boosters, Learning Differentiation, Parent Programs, PS STEAM Team, Sports Boosters, SS STEAM Team, Teacher Appreciation Committee, Wellness Club, and Worldfest

Contact posecretary@aischool.org for more information.