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Tuition and Fees

Application Fee

There is a $100 application fee per student. This is non-refundable.

Matriculation Fees

We apply a one-time fee charged to each new student enrolled, the matriculation fee. Siblings receive a discount as outlined below.

  • First student $3,500
  • Second student $2,500
  • Third and subsequent students $1,500

2025 - 2026 Boarding Tuition and Fees

Tuition is for the academic year.
Additional Student Fees Include: Airport Transportation, Books, School-required laptop, Local Day Trips, Afterschool and Weekend Activities, AIS Athletics Coaching and Transportation. **Student fees include mandatory health insurance for international students.

Student Group: Grades 7-8

7 Day International Boarding 7 Day Domestic Boarding 5 Day Domestic Boarding
Tuition, Room and Board $ 71,500 $71,500 $61,000
Additional Student Fees $7,500 $5,000 $5,000
Total $79,000 $76,500 $66,000


Student Group: Grades 9-12

7 Day International Boarding 7 Day Domestic Boarding 5 Day Domestic Boarding
Tuition, Room and Board $ 73,000 $73,000 $62,500
Additional Student Fees $7,500 $5,000 $5,000
Total $80,500 $78,000 $67,500


**The school will offer a 2% discount for tuition payments made by cash, check or bank transfer. This discount applies to tuition balance only. This discount does not apply to advance tuition deposits, fees, insurance, meal plans, matriculation fees, or any other charges. The discount will be applied at the time of payment.
**The payment gateway will assess a convenience fee for tuition payments made by credit card. This fee will not be charged to advance tuition deposits, insurance and matriculation fees due at enrollment. The fee will be assessed at the time of payment and varies according to credit card type.