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Upper School (Grades 9 -12)

At AIS High School is called Upper school - for Grades 9 - 12. Upper School students enroll at either of our campuses.

 AIS Upper School students enroll at either Buckhead or Sandy Springs

Both AIS campuses host Upper School students, who all study the International Baccalaureate (IB) Curriculum.

In Grades 9 and 10 students follow the IB Middle Years Program (MYP), followed by the IB Diploma Program (DP) or the IB Career-related Program (CP) in Grades 11 and 12.

In AIS Upper School, young people are taught to be critical thinkers and complex problem solvers. They develop a wide array of interests and passions, and learn through real world collaboration - in school, through internships, and service projects.

Students become highly skilled at using the latest technologies and develop computational skills to understand and solve problems.

They also gain a high level of intercultural competence - through learning more than one language, joining in cultural traditions, and exploring local, national and world histories.

In Upper School, AIS students enjoy a vibrant, fun community of friends, and become truly future ready!

Our approach

Upper School students are engaged in regular discussions about abstract, complex ideas including reflective thinking about life experiences, critical examination of assumptions about knowledge, and appreciation of multiple perspectives.

Using the framework of the IB, classes offered are as follows

Middle Years Program Classes (Grades 6 - 10)

Over 50 DP subjects offered

In the DP, students take six subjects from the groups outlined below, three at Standard Level (SL) and three at Higher Level (HL). 

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DP Classes Offered (Grades 11 - 12)

IB is well known to us for excellent preparations. Success in an IB programme correlates well with success at Harvard. We are always pleased to see the credentials of the IB Diploma Programme on the transcript.Marilyn McGrath Lewis, Director of Undergraduate Admission, Harvard University