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Visconti di Modrone Library

The mission of the Visconti di Modrone Library at AIS is to inspire curious and ethical learners capable of engaging with information in a critical and open-minded way. By developing the love of reading, lifelong learning, and research skills, the library prepares students to become efficient and conscientious users of information and to face the challenges of a global and overwhelming information environment.

The library offers print and online resources in the curricular languages, English, Chinese, French, German, and Spanish, as well as resources in over twenty other languages such as Arabic, Dutch, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, and others, to support the AIS heritage language programs and other mother tongue languages of our students.

Our multilingual international library team is keen to develop equitable access to resources that meet the needs of our diverse community. Our librarians have an instructional role, providing curriculum-based information and media literacy skills instruction. They work with students in the library and the classroom to develop information and literacy skills with the approaches to learning needed to use resources in print and digital formats.

Student Learning

Library faculty work with the students, in the library and the classroom, to develop information and literacy skills with the approaches to learning needed to use resources in print and digital formats.

Primary School (3K - Grade 5)
Students visit the library regularly and are encouraged to select resources in both languages of study (and in heritage or other languages, if desired) for independent reading, research or school projects.

Secondary School (Grades 6 - 12)
Students can visit the library independently to read, study, and check out books and for research support. They also come with teachers for collaborative or research projects.

Parent Partnership

Parents are invited to become library patrons and use our lending services. They may request library accounts for checkout from our print book and/or digital book collections. 

We are always delighted to have parents join our group of volunteers. Volunteers assist in the library with book circulation, displays, book talks, and special events such as author visits and book fairs. The AIS Library is truly an inclusive, multilingual community resource shared by AIS students, employees, and parents.